

Miracle Players
Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome, Italy
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Patrician's response to 
Julius Caesar


"Ave Julius Caesar"
Summer is almost officially upon us and Rome really does make an enormous effort to produce entertainment of a consistently high standard for inhabitants and visitors alike... The English theatre group, the Miracle Players, is an international troupe of actors... who... will be supplying the Eternal City with street theatre of an 'internationally' high standard of acting.

bulletTeleLazio Rete Blu (Italian regional TV) [56k]  [128k]
bulletPlaced on the editor's "don't miss" list.
bulletWhere Rome
bullet...Six talented actors from Scotland, England, Australia, America and Italy take part in this original "street theatre"...
bulletTrova Roma - La Repubblica
bulletJulius Caesar at the Forum
Not literally, of course!...This is a comical approach to some great street theatre in an inimitable, unforgettable setting.
bulletTeatro al Foro Romano
Spettacolo in lingua inglese... caratterizzato da uno stile bizzarro e divertente...
bullet...Tutti i venerdė si potra assistere ad un'ottima performance del "teatro di strada"...
bulletRoma Magazine

Rabble's response to 
Julius Caesar

bulletRun, walk or risk a Roman Bus, but get to the Roman Forums and spend an evening with Julius Caesar! I loved being part of the "rabble-rousing crowd". I loved shouting "No, Brutus, no!" I loved applauding Mark Anthony, and finally understanding exactly what that speech was all about. I loved watching Caesar (played by a woman) pulling red scarves from her toga and tossing them into the air as "he" was being stabbed in the Senate (in the chest, back and sides too). In other words, I had a great time. Maybe the proof is that I've already seen it three times...and applauded loudly three times. What fun. Once again the Miracle Players have produced a little miracle.
bulletFrancis N.
bulletI and my mother saw your Julius Caesar show in Rome on Friday June 16 and just wanted to say that we enjoyed it Big Time! We had a great week in Rome and your show was definitely a part of it. (My mother was however, a bit worried that Julius Caesar would give birth on stage....) We wish you all luck with the show this and coming summers!
bulletAnn D.
bulletI had the opportunity to see your adaptation of Julius Caesar last month while I was in Rome on a layover (American Airlines). My cousin, Jennifer K[...], took us to see your performance which was wonderful. I was just looking up your information in the internet as I wanted to print out some more information on your group and post it in our Chicago Operations area so those flying in/out of Rome could enjoy some of your humor and fun. However I see that Julius Caesar was finished on Aug. 4th. Too bad. It was great and I wanted to share it with everyone who is flying over there. But I will post your web site for those who are interested can look you up and see if you're performing anywhere while they're in town.
Great show and what props. Thanks for a good time.
bulletSuzie T.
bulletAgli attori del Julius Caesar: ho assistito venerdė sera al vostro spettacolo su suggerimento di una amica . L'ho trovato molto divertente ed ho apprezzato particolarmente lo spirito giocoso che anima il vostro gruppo e la fantasia con cui č stata organizzata la rappresentazione: con pochissimi mezzi siete riusciti a dare una rappresentazione gradevole ed elegante. Vorrei vederne di pių a Roma di rappresentazioni in questo stile. Complimenti e buona fortuna.
bulletAnnamaria Z.
bulletMy family saw your performance of Julius Caesar, in fact it was the last performance of the season, in August 2000. We thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm hopeful that now when my daughter studies the play in high school she'll be able to follow it better than I did many years ago. (Of course, she may have to explain why she keeps reading Cassius' lines in a mobster style!) Thanks for providing a highlight to our trip.
bulletDenise H.
bulletWe are from Holland and saw Julius Caesar in Rome. We were very much impressed and tell everybody about you. We hope to see a performance of yours again when we come back to Rome... one of these years. Best of luck to all of you!!
bulletRosa & Guido
bulletI really enjoyed the Julius Caesar performance, so I'd like to be up to date about your future activities.
bulletGiuseppe P.
bulletThoroughly enjoyed Julius Caesar and would like to know of others that follow.
bulletSėle McG.
bulletI enjoyed your show last night very much!
bulletDora G.
bulletsaw it...loved it
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updated: 14-05-2007
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