Domus Performances Cast Directions Quiz Reviews Text Photos


Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome
Miracle Players

The History of Rome
The Quiz

The History of Rome

Domus Performances Cast Directions Quiz Reviews Text Photos
1) Who gave birth to Romulus and Remus?
a) Rhea Silvia
b) Arnold Schwarzenegger
c) Agrippina
2) The name of the first King of Rome was:
a) Romulus
b) Remus
c) Dave

3) Where were the Punic Wars fought?
a) Rome
b) Carthage
c) America

4) An augur is:
a) a bird of prey
b) a trick question
c) a fortune teller

5) Who killed Julius Caesar?
a) Marc Antony
b) Lee Harvey Oswald
c) Brutus

6) Nero was:
a) a bit odd
b) crazy
c) a famous Elvis impersonator

7) Martial was:.
a) the legendary god from Mars
b) a Roman writer
c) a famous gladiator

8) The first Christian Emperor of Rome was:
a) John Paul II
b) Constantine
c) Cato

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updated: 11-05-2008
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