Everyman cast


Miracle Players
Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome, Italy

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The MIRACLE PLAYER's cast of Everyman includes: 

Tim Adams: primarily a musician, he has also performed in theatre productions and on TV. 

Rob Allyn: Known to many as "Mark Antony", Rob was raised in the US and has made Rome his second home.

Eric Bassanesi: a bilingual Italian who has enjoyed working in various theatres worldwide. 

Iaon Gunn: An Australian who has spent his life performing. Recently he worked for two years as an itinerant performer on the "Ship of Fools" that sailed throughout the world entertaining at Sea Ports. 

Luke Massengill: a talented young American actor that has  recently moved to Rome and passionately pursues acting and cultural studies.

Denise McNee: a Scottish actress and graduate of the Philip Gaulier school, who has performed regularly in theatres in England and Rome. 

Jill Morris: actress and teacher, a lot of T.I.E. and theatre work. 

Parysa Pourmoneshi: a Persian-American who has recently moved to Rome and is quickly establishing a career in movies.

Dyanne White: a native of England who has worked extensively for the BBC performing and writing for children’s TV. 

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