Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome
Miracle Players

The Emperors of Rome reviews

Nero - Fifth Emperor of Rome

Domus Performances Cast Directions Reviews Quiz Text Photos

Tiberius & Agrippina - The Emperors of Rome



What the senators think...
(or click here for what the "people of Rome" think!)


This is one of the highlights of the long Roman summer. The Miracle Players, a group of actors from all four corners of the English-speaking world enact the history of ancient Rome ... by the Mamertine Prison on the edge of the Forum. A truly funny, yet informative journey through the city’s magnificent past in one of the few opportunities in Rome for high-level theatre in English.
Roma C’è


...a perfectly balanced mix of the historical and the hilarious.
The New York Times


The annual summer treat for all English-speaking theatre fans begins this week with the start of the Miracle Players’ run of their new play “The Emperors of Rome” in the very appropriate al fresco setting of the Roman Forum. In forty hilarious minute, using the words of classical writers but with their own comic slant, the Miracle Players re-enact the lives and follies of five of Rome’s most famous Emperors as the sun goes down over the ruins of their hubris.
Trova Roma


If you go down to the Roman Forum any Tuesday or Friday evening throughout the summer months, chances are that you’ll bump into the Miracle Players, Rome’s most imaginative comedy troupe. Every year they write and perform a new theatre show that not only amuses but also informs the public about Rome’s classical heritage.
Where - Rome

bulletAfter the success of last year's 40-minute rendition of 'The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire', the capital's itinerant English theatre troupe, the Miracle Players, return to imperial themes, with a characteristically irreverent look at the colourful lives of five Roman emperors. Each Tuesday and Friday evening, friends, Romans and countrymen alike can thrill to the deeds of Augustus and his brood (watch out for a particularly mad Caligula) in the atmospheric environs of the Forum itself.
Time Out
bulletThe wacky group is back for the fourth year running with a new comedy about the lives of Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
Wanted in Rome

This is one of the longest and most popular of Rome's summer events...
Roma Cè - Estate Romana edition


It's a miracle! Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Caludius and Nero all brought to life this summer in the Roman Forum. Do see "The Emperors of Rome".
Delicious Italy


Gli imperatori ora parlano in inglese
Quarta estate nei Fori Imperiali per i Miracle Players, la compagnia di teatro in lingua inglese fondata da Eric Bassanesi. Hanno cominciato ieri sera alle 19:30 e replicheranno ogni martedì e venerdì fino al 9 agosto, con “The Emperors of Rome”, parodia della dinastia Giulio-Claudia nel consueto stile burlesco ispirato ai Monty Python. Si alterneranno sul piazzale di fronte al Carcere Mamertino Augusto, Tiberio, Caligola, Claudio e Nerone; tutti colti negli aspetti più curiosi, meglio ancora se ridicolizzabili, di quel che rimane delle biografie e delle storie che li riguardano. Con la particolarità, curata dall’autrice Denise McNee, che gran parte delle parole su cui si forma lo spettacolo sono tratte proprio dagli scritti degli storici e degli scrittori classici, citando quindi Livio, Svetonio e quant’altri abbiano ritratto quell’epoca.

La Repubblica


RAI 1 - Radiotelevisione Italiana (Italian public TV)  [56k]  [128k]


In scena gli imperatori
Nello scenario suggestivo del tramonto, tra i ruderi dei Fori Romani, rivive il fascino immortale del passato nello spettacolo “The Emperors of Rome”... Le vicende di Augusto, Tiberio, Caligola, Claudio e Nerone, tratte dalle opere storiche di Svetonio, Cassio Dione, Tacito e altri scrittori, sono contaminate con le leggende umoristiche che da sempre accompagnano l’epoca imperiale in un rovesciamento comico dei ridicoli fasti del potere assoluto. Passioni e intrighi, tirannia e clemenza, virilità e infantilismi alimentano le avventure pubbliche e private degli antichi dominatori della nostra città...
Il Tempo


L’imperatore recita in inglese
Anche i Miracle Players si possono ormai definire aficionados dell’estate capitolina. Trovano posto, come l’anno passato, nella suggestiva scenografia naturale fornita dal Foro Romano. Dove la stagione è già iniziata... Formatisi nel 1999, i componenti di questo gruppo teatrale hanno ormai conquistato una buona notorietà. Offrono spettacoli di teatro comico e classico.
Il Messaggero


Se passeggiando per i Fori romani vedrete nella suggestiva luce del tramonto, uomini e donne nelle fogge in uso nell’antica Roma, non è un miraggio dovuto al caldo sole, ma sono i Miracle Players, un gruppo teatrale inglese, che mette in scena per strada episodi della storia di Roma. L’appuntamento è ogni martedì e venerdì alle ore 19:30 (puntuali, sono inglesi!) nel piazzale antistante il Carcere Mamertino al Foro Romano. I Miracle Players non sono nuovi all’iniziativa, infatti, si tratta del quarto anno di repliche... Si recita in inglese, ma la comunicazione espressiva dei volti fa in modo che is possa seguire comunque la storia.
Il Grillo


Come preludio dell’attesissima Estate Romana... tornano a Roma i Miracle Players con la messa in scena de “The Emperors of Rome”..., spettacolo comico in lingua inglese che ricrea, in chiave ironica, la vera storia degli imperatori romani Augusto, Tiberio, Caligola, Claudio e Nerone in una miscela di stravaganza, immaginazione e divertimento. Tra parrucche e armi di plastica, lo scenario tra le rovine di Roma aggiunge alla rappresentazione una suggestione inimitabile.
Roma C’è


RAI3 - Radiotelevisione Italiana (Italian public TV)  [56k]  [128k] 


I Miracle players, il gruppo teatrale inglese sorto nel maggio 1999 e divenuto celebre grazie ai numerosi spettacoli in lingua sui palcoscenici capitolini, ricostruisce adesso, in occasione dell’estate romana, la vita, la storia, gli aneddoti dei primi cinque imperatori romani... Il testo, però, è in inglese. Saranno proprio i contrasti linguistici, somatici ad acuire la sottile vena di ironia che pervade tutta l’opera, dando vita ad uno spettacolo esilarante, dove le parrucche e le armi di plastica sono ben poca casa rispetto all’insolito connubio anglo-latino.
City – Roma


Tra i ruderi dei Fori Romani il teatro parla solo inglese
Da che mondo è mondo, si può dire, il passato esercita il suo inquietante fascino attraverso un’esile rete di controllo del tempo. Lo stesso volgere delle stagioni che nella koinè moderna urbana ed occidentale tanto varia da sembrare l’effetto di una esplosione culturale, davvero sorprendente.
Al passato storico è dedicato lo spettacolo «The Emperors of Rome» (Gli imperatori di Roma), rappresentato dall’associazione culturale Miracle Players, che si propone come scopo precipuo, la promozione della cultura classica, in luoghi storici quali musei, zone archeologiche, e piazze... Si tratta dell’unica associazione culturale che realizza eventi teatrali completamente ed unicamente in lingua inglese a Roma e soprattutto dedicati a Roma, con rappresentazioni che offrono l’opportunità di vivere a Roma un’atmosfera tipicamente inglese, con il suo inconfondibile humor, oggi la lingua inglese è fondamentale, essendo considerata ormai come lingua "universalis". Insieme alla conoscenza dell’inglese, è un’occasione per fruire la storia in un modo vivo e palpabile, nei luoghi come il carcere Mamertino, dove i fatti sono effettivamente avvenuti, del resto la storia, si è sempre appresa attraverso le forme più astratte e teoriche, è giusto quindi che venga raccontata ed espressa dal vivo, e sui veri luoghi che l’hanno calcata. Lo spettacolo «The Emperors of Rome», si basa sui testi di Svetonio, Cassio Dio, Tacito ed altri scrittori antichi e l’accostamento tra classico e moderno, conditi da una salsa d’ironia, consente al pubblico di imparare la storia, rivivendola tra una risata e l’altra. Gli attori...formano un gruppo squisitamente unito, con una carica di simpatia che aleggia tra i monumenti storici... Per quest’anno hanno voluto rendere omaggio agli imperatori romani che, con il loro impero e le loro gesta, hanno fatto la storia di questa città. Grazie Roma che oggi gli inglesi invitano ad inneggiare.
Il Tempo



La storia degli imperatori con ironia e in lingua inglese.
... Testi classici vengono accostati a riadattamenti ironici per consentire al pubblico di rivere la storia imperiale con un sorriso...
Corriere della Sera


TF1 - (French Television)  [56k]  [128k]


The Emperors of Rome... diventera’ forse lo spettacolo piu’ frequentato dalla numerosa colonia anglofona di Roma e, per il passaparola, dai turisti stranieri, da quelli italiani e ..dai romani. Assiepati sui gradini della chiesa davanti alle Carceri Mamertine (quindi poco sotto il Campidoglio e poco sopra i Fori) abbiamo assistito a questo rapidissimo spettacolo (dura 40 minuti) insieme ad una piccola folla, in parte arrivata casualmente per la gratuità dell’ingresso. Nei nostri resoconti ci siamo spesso stupiti da come i turisti stranieri (che a malapena spiccicano qualche parola d’italiano) si sbellicano dalle risate sia per le battutacce in romanesco di Lando Fiorini o Alfiero Alfieri sia per quelle in napoletano di “Vulisse a Maronna” o de “I casi sono due”. Ebbene questa volta ci siamo stupiti in senso inverso. Lo spettacolo e’ recitato in inglese (ne’ in cockney ne’ in slang ma in vero inglese) le battute ne hanno il classico “humour”, eppure anche (e soprattutto) i “romani de Roma” ridono a crepapelle. Non vi raccontiamo di piu’ perche’ i cinque attori comici - tutti bilingue o quasi, tranne un’attrice trilingue(?) – con armi e parrucche vistosamente in plastica “trash” meritano di essere visti. Se poi volete un anteprima, cliccate qui sotto per collegarvi col sito: avrete un motivo in più per venire quest’estate a Roma
Happy Roma


Los emperadores de Roma - Obra de teatro de la compañìa Miracle Players que culmina su exitosa temporada con esta obra de historia clàsica convertida en comedia.
Escala - AeroMexico


Estate Romana - a cura di Interact  [56k]  [128k

What the people of Rome think...


After fou4-4our-four years of putting on plays, one would think that a group of unknowns, albeit coming from an assortment of countries that could rival Heinz, would start to run out of ideas. I mean, Lloyd and Weber can do it, but they just write ONE hit per show.
So, taking this into consideration, when I put my pillow down on the steps of the church of SS. Luca and Martina, I assumed that this year's show was going to be interesting, but a lot like last year's. After all, the subject matter has been pretty much the same for these last three years: The Story of Rome, Julius Caesar and now The Emperors of Rome. Only the first year - when they dared the gods and Italian Bureaucracy by setting up their little space dividers right in front of the Mamertine Prison and presented the medieval play "Everyman" - did they do something NOT regarding Bella Roma.
I was ready to smile, ready to support English Theater in Rome, ready to see young and talented people; but I was NOT ready for this latest offering.
The Miracle Players have produced another miracle. The Emperors of Rome is amazing. The pacing, the seemingly limitless wittiness, the lingering laughs, the brilliant props...it was all wonderful. Livia carries a red purse, Tiberius looks like he should be put in a reform school, Augustus is so weak he needed our (the audience's) help to deal with his mother, Nero kills his mother and sings "Don't Cry For Me Agrippina"... he's just as flipped as you always figured he had to be. Caligula astounds us with his madness. Poor Rome.
And, as usual, since the Roman Forums are the backdrop, the scenery is mind-blowing. The sun is starting to set as the show starts (7:30) and the light produces a surrealistic, continually changing, sunlight show on antiquity.
It's a good show, written by an extremely talented woman and performed by a high quality group of actors who do justice to the art of street-theater. I laughed a lot and joined in the BRAVOS at the end. It was a treat. Another Miraculous Moment at the Mamertine. I'm going back again.
Frances N.


As always, the show is great, in fact, I do think that this year is the best yet... Will be back again, and again, for sure. All my best to you all,
Yolanda B.


You were all absolutely great. Tanti, tanti complimenti for the script and the staging.
Nina C.


We really enjoyed your miracle players production. It was both funny and educational. Can't wait to return next year for another production. Keep up the great work. Nero you are our favorite. We miss you!!!!!
Mary, Larry and Stephen W.


Many thanks for a fun evening! I am often in Rome with groups who would be interested, so please keep me posted. alla prossima!
Judith C.


The kids are still acting out scenes from your play. All 4 of them mentioned it as one of the highlights of their trip. Thanks. 
Kellie H.


Seen all your plays throughout the years, and emperors of Rome just this night... Bravo! Keep up the good work, you're a brilliant bunch of people.
Tony B.


Thank you very much for a entertaining lesson in history and humour. Am definitely recommending your play to my friends. The only thing that bothered me was that the sound sometimes was not all that clear especially when the actors were on the side of the "stage".
Rasha O. 


Your presentation was a refreshing pause in our week of sightseeing. We appreciated your combination of history and humor. You were much better than the Time Elevator show. We will certainly recommend you to anyone we know who is going to Rome. Thank you. Keep it up.
Janet S.


Well done for condensing so many dry but important historical facts into a memorable and amusing format. Best wishes
Anna and Max W.


I so much enjoyed your performance in the Forum last month. In addition to your fine acting and playwriting, your choice of location is stunning (to say the least). I think this was some of the best street theater I have ever witnessed. Bravi! Bravi!
I'm sending a group of photos I took. Several, unfortunately, are not in focus due to the waning light and the admirable pace of the action. (The performance certainly did charge right along!) However, I thought they captured your wonderful, high-spirited acting and that you might enjoy them, in focus or not. Keep up the good work! Your fan,
Gretchen W.


We enjoyed your show at the Forum. It gave life (with much humor) to the period of the Caesar's. We heard about it from one of your postcards that we found not in our hotel, but in our friend's hotel. We stayed at the hotel Victoria, perhaps you could stock it also as it caters to Americans. Maybe you could add a line such as, bring a pillow for sensitive hinies. Don't know when we'll be back to catch your next show. Thanks again.
Carol C.



I thoroughly enjoyed the show and would highly recommend it to any English-speaking guest of this wonderful city. It's funny, it's a great learning experience and, with the unrivalled backdrop of the Roman Forum, an experience not to be missed!
Elena P.


Dear Players: my comment in short is: A BRILLIANT IDEA WITH A BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE. After missing your "Everyman" for lack of information I have been attending regularly for the last 3 years. I usually come more than once and recommend your shows to all my English-speaking relations. The history of Rome will, hopefully, provide you with material for many years to come. Cordially,
Bruna T.


 I loved your play and I'm actually thinking about going to see it once again - I already did PR for you: several of my friends went to see it - everyone liked it!
Tina K.


You guys are fantastic and I love you all.
Bronte J.


Emporers of Rome was a wonderful balance of education and humor. The show was bursting with wit, and your presentation was energetic and incredibly versatile. The only thing I would change is your lack of publicity-- keep acting!
Jesse O.


Let me tell you again how much my friends and I enjoyed your show.. We'll look forward to more, and  Buon Lavoro...  e non solo,
Tom  B.


Your show was great! I loved it and laughed my heart out.  :)  Thanks for a great evening.
Gauri S.


Great show! It was definitely one of the more memorable events of our trip! The cast is extremely talented and the show is very funny. We recommended it to other travellers at our hotel.
Kathy S.


We saw your performance on Friday 5/7/02. Wonderful show. Best wishes for the future.
Dave &
Sylvia H.


Hi~ Just wanted to tell you all how much we enjoyed the show!!! I went with my 4 year old son...whom I had just told about all the emperors (he does a great "Hail Caesar!"). He found you all very entertaining, as did I, and what a setting! It was a perfect Roman evening! Keep up the great work!!! Will catch you when we are next in the Eternal City!
Ljane S.


What a treat to watch your performance! We were on our last leg of our Italian travels (16 days, two exhausted adults, and two homesick children - ages 9, 13)and your show was a great way to decompress, following a long day of tours. In addition, your performance solidified what we had learned during our colosseum/forum tours, and put it into perspective with your modernized point of views.  We had a lovely evening!  Thanks so much,
Ani  S.


So well played, so much sense of humour, they do not play it seriously, just with their passionate sense of acting, and of conveying their feeling. and it works!! so well!
Raphaelle B.


Great play, fabulous location and wonderful acting. Laughed till my sides ached and it was an incredible surprise to sit in the Roman Forum while watching such innovative theatre!!! The comedy was a gift.
Anthinula T.


Our family loved "The Emperors of Rome." A first rate historical comedy - Monty Python meets Pax Romanus in a classic setting. Wonderfully funny and educational. Kudos to the Miracle Players.
Chet B.


We enjoyed your show "The Emperors of Rome" very much. So creative, so funny. We wish you very very much of success, luck, money, health and so on. We hope, we are able to see you next time when we will visiting Rome again.
But won't you come to Munich? Munich is a beautiful City too, and there are some crazy kings like Ludwig the 2nd, which also are perfect for a show like yours. If you ever will come to Munich, you are invited to spend a nice evening with us. We will arrange something!!
Sorry for my bad English!! Sincerely,
Mona and Wolfgang S.


The Emperors of Rome was the funniest theatre I have seen in a long time. And it was free!!! Thank you very much for a brilliant start to a great evening.
Amanda C.


 I really loved "The Emperors of Rome". It was HILARIOUS! Everyone visiting Rome (or living there) should really come by and check out the show. I know that the next time I visit that I will be back to see you guys, so see you next year. Thanks for a wonderful evening!
Melanie B.


Hi! It was really nice to watch your historic theatre play (how can I define it help me pls) ok.. I am glad about your doing! You are trying to give life the history again! That is a very nice point..
I thank all of you sincerely! Hope to see you again. Bye,
Nadir S.



Full of humor, a fantastic combination between the ancient past and the present. Although the setting was minimal, the natural background played its role very well. Loved every minute of it!
Orna S.



I laughed until my bum was numb, or was that because I was sitting on stone steps for 40 minutes? Anyway I didn't notice because I was having a great time while keeping those brain cells ticking over. More of the same please... and bravo to Frances.
Patricia B.



Dear Miracle Players -- Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed your play, "The Emperors of Rome." My husband had found out about it on the internet somewhere when we were checking out things we wanted to do in Rome. I teach Latin at East Peoria in Illinois and so this was my ninth trip to Rome. However, this was the first time I had ever come without students or a group of adults I was accompanying as a tour leader! My husband and I wanted to check out things we hadn't seen and see what we would like to add new to our itinerary since we are returning in 2003 with 24 students. Your play will be at the top of the list! I know my students would truly appreciate it. You were really funny, but also educational. Since they study ancient Roman history along with Latin, they would know much of what you were talking about. A great way to reinforce it!...Thanks for keeping Rome's rich history alive! Valete, (Be well/good-bye in Latin)
Janene M.


Hi Everybody - Your play has been really nice and fun to see.  I really enjoyed very much, you all are very good actors (I do the same job!) and I found the ideas and gags of the show really well-thought (is it right?!!). While I was watching the Emperors, the way you acted reminded me the way I learned in my acting school in Rome (Circo a vapore have you ever heard of it) so it was very amusing for me to see you !!! And I was also proud of me because I think I was one of the few not English watching and I understood almost everything !!! I found very helpful for people like me the way you underlined all you said with the body, so it was easiest for me to catch the meaning even if I didn't know all the words. If I had to give a suggestion to get your performance better, I would just say: if you could speak a little bit slower, Italian and people not exactly from England too may follow you much more easily. For the rest KEEP DOING LIKE THIS !!! YOUR VERY NICE !!! Love
Laura D.


Very funny. Not ever being too hot on history, particularly roman, I didn't guess what symbol went with what Emperor, except the lyre, but I surprisingly guessed wrong. I thought it was Berlusconi.
Fiona B.


Was fantastic! Funny, interesting & informative... keep up the good work! Was the highlight of our day!
Jeanette S.



I saw your show Tuesday, good gig. Thanks for educating my ignorance on that phase of Roman life. One line got me "..................after 22 years of reign................." now even the weather in Britain, as you intimate, is not that bad ! Just kidding. Keep bobbing along,
Bob W.


We have been twice to your show, last summer and last [Friday], July 27 2001. Good fun for all the family, the adults enjoy it and the kids also.
Patricio T.


Dear Miraculous Players, Thank you, thank you, thank you. In the summer I teach courses on Roman literature at John Cabot University here in Rome. After seeing your show last week I made sure to tell my students to go see it this Friday and to tell their friends. Your writing is as good as your acting, and that comment is intended as praise on both counts. "Don't Cry for Me, Agrippina" remains my favorite line in the whole production.
Nancy N.


It's simply great and what a way to promote the culture of antiquity! I have been following you since the History of Rome, brought my many visiting friends and children along. The result has been invariably an incitement to discussions and further reading, which is the best indicator showing that the goal of your NGO is achieved. Beside that, your ability to create a refreshing and pleasant atmosphere, combined with your professionalism, completes the picture of the kind of show we would like to enjoy more often. So, congratulations and keep on going strong! Cordially,
Abye M.


I like it very much and could look at it thousand times !! You were great and I am happy I just was in Rome, so I could see it ! Bye and good luck with "The Emperors of Rome" ! Thank you. Greetings from Heyken [V.] and family, from Belgium.
Heyken V.


Highlight of our visit to Rome!
Peggy C.


Do you ever do performances for schools in the States? Just curious -- you guys do a great job!
Caroline C.


We really enjoyed the performance. The actors were very good and very funny. The play was educational and fun. It was nice to hear English spoken after two weeks of just hearing Italian. It was so neat to see the history of Rome done right in front of the ruins. Everyone in our group enjoyed it, and we would recommend it to everyone going to Rome.
Rachel S.


We were led to the Emperors of Rome by the Rome Lonely Planet Guidebook (I was the one who held up the book in the audience last week). Thanks for a humorous, educational show against a spectacular sunlit, historical setting. In additional to your acting talents, we were impressed by your ability to put this play on twice a week without electronic amplification. How do you retain your vocal chords?
My friends and I would also like to thank Lonely Planet for giving us a good tip.
Zofia R.


The Emperors of Rome was fantastic! I spent 2.5 weeks in Europe on this trip & it was by far, my favorite part of the entire trip!
Laura H.


I thought it was pretty good actually, very informative and funny as well - which is always a good balance to have. Thanks for an enjoyable evening!
Sophie E.


Thank you for your e-mail. I enjoyed the show last Friday very much indeed, it was most amusing. Unfortunately, my visitors from the UK did not seem to enjoy it so much - but they had just arrived in Rome after a week's work so they were probably tired! Of course, you have to be very versatile covering so many different parts and I found that you all succeeded extremely well. All the best for the continuation of your show and thank you for your efforts.
Rosemary M.


bulletGreat fun and very educative.
Coen M.

Not only was the show very amusing, but also historically accurate; I was inspired to look up the emperors in the encyclopedia as soon as I got home & find out more about them. I look forward to next year's production.
Linda G.


Hi guys, Back to work today after two week vacation (one week in Rome). I was on hols with my two kids 12 and 16, we all enjoyed you show very much - extremely funny, brilliantly performed and also educational. The show, set with the backdrop of the Roman Forum, was one of the highlights of our visit to Rome. The Rome experience was altogether 'something else', very noisy and very hot. The people were mostly okay if a little weary of tourists. Anyway - nice to know that I am a member (not sure what that means) and I look forward to catching another show sometime. If any of you are ever in Cambridge, let me know and I will buy you a pint on the Cam. Thanks again.
Millie, Oliver and Mike N.


We loved your show and will send you a photo we took of the final one. Keep on enjoying this great place and contributing to its cultural whatever.
Ian T.


What a fantastic combination!- the forum, the ancient rulers and clever comedy. They should teach history this way in our school system! The miracle players were awesome- versatile, strong and sensitive to the audience. Hope we can visit your production again sometime. Would love to see this feature more widely publicized about Rome. We were fortunate that our tourguide told us about it.
Elvira and Bernie W.


It was the first evening of my holiday and it greatly helped the Forum to make sense! Apart from which, it was fun! - not easy when dealing with such complex and screwed up characters! Well done!
Mary Claire C.


Thank you for your message awaiting our return from Europe. I used to work in [...] before moving to Thailand some years ago. My wife and I (Thai) thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and certainly learnt more about Roman history. My own view is that you might consider using videos of your presentations to support teachers of history in schools - certainly students would take more interest than usual in that aspect of their education! Good luck for your future plays -I hope that my wife and I are fortunate enough to time our next visit to Rome to coincide with your next presentation! Best Wishes,
David S.


Loved the show! I've attached some photo's I took and hope you can find use for them. If you're ever in Brighton, give me a bell and we'll have a drink! Kindest,
Ivan C.



I loved your show, please keep me in touch with what you guys are up to. Come to Cambridge (UK).
Rowland C.


I saw your show last July and only now I have time to send you my impressions about it. I don't speak English so well and I didn't understand the very everything, BUT I really had fun and had a very nice early night with you! I hope we will meet next year maybe talking about the Flavian Family (that my name comes from!!) Thank you Guys!!
Flavia A.   


Our family was fortunate to have a local host who took us to your show in July. Jennifer and Scott (12 and 14) told us it was one of the highlights of our three weeks in Italy. (That is pretty significant since they like the beach and video games more than life itself). And we spent two weeks on the beach with video games.
Best of luck and please consider having video's made of your presentations and making them available to schools. I know that many others have recommended it as well but you have no idea how desperately the K to 12 education system needs to put more energy and effectiveness in teaching kids about history and you guys do it! (as Nike says).

Steve T.



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