Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome
Miracle Players

Cleopatra's Reviews

Cleopatra was first performed in 2003 and this is what was said...

The Miracle Players at the Roman Forum


(click here for the Public Propaganda)

Witty and wacky, irreverent but never irrelevant, the English language group, the Miracle Players are back in the Roman Forum bringing to life the protagonists of history in the very place it all happened.

La Repubblica

You couldn’t find a better setting for this latest production by the Miracle Players who have been delighting summer crowds for the last four years in Rome.
The Best in Rome, Trova Roma.

The Miracle Players, the group of actors that has been entertaining English-speaking audiences for the past four years, have done it again!  They have come up with a new show seasoned with the usual mix of humour, satire and wit entitled “Cleopatra”. In forty fun filled minutes, wigs, snakes (plastic of course) and puppets help to clarify some of the lesser known facts about the fascinating and enigmatic Egyptian queen.  
Where. Rome.

Yes, they are well and truly back again in Rome for another Summer season.  For the last few years the Miracle Players have been putting on very tongue in cheek, yet informative plays in English in the centre of town...
Roma c'è. This Week in Rome.

...The Miracle Players, who are a regular feature of Roman summer theatre, continue to amuse both tourists and residents with their much appreciated Burlesque style, offering high quality comic theatre.
ENIT - press

RAI3 - Radiotelevisione Italiana (Italian public TV) - Announcing the world premiere of "Cleopatra":  [56k

Vatican Radio - Catherine Smibert interviews the Miracle Players

...The Miracle Players have filled a gap in the Roman summer by providing free outdoor entertainment in English...  
Wanted in Rome -  (Read entire article...)

I Miracle Players divertono grandi e piccoli - ... La performance offre un sano divertimento senza troppi pudori intellettuali, capace di strappare risate a scena aperta, come nelle migliori commedie hollywoodiane. Lo spettacolo, inoltre, è ideato in maniera da coinvolgere direttamente il pubblico, favorendo una partecipazione attiva che stimola l'incontro e lo scambio tre le diverse etnie e nazionalità degli spettatori... Tra il pubblico spiccava la presenza del regista teatrale Pietro Garinei che, in compagnia del coreografo Gino Lanzi, ha mostrato di gradire con occhio attento e divertito l'umorismo tipicamente inglese dei Miracle Players.
Il Tempo

Un’occasione suggestiva per visitare in un’atmosfera fuori dal tempo le meraviglie dei Fori... il rosso dei tramonti romani colora il racconto ironico della vita dell’ultimo faraone egiziano, Cleopatra... 
Teatro in Primo Piano, Roma C’e

... Nella suggestione notturna degli antichi ruderi si incontrano i personaggi del passato, ascoltandoli raccontare paradossalmente in una lingua straniera della modernità le gesta e le imprese compiute all’epoca in cui Roma guidava le sorti di gran parte del mondo.  
Il Tempo.

...I Miracle Players continuano, con il loro apprezzatissimo stile burlesco, a deliziare turisti e residenti rappresentando teatro comico di qualità in lingua inglese.
Trova Roma - Edizione Estate Romana 2003

Gli interpreti fanno fare un viaggio indietro nel tempo e rendono facile agli spettatori calarsi nelle suggestioni dell'antico Egitto. D'altro canto la spettacolare cornice dei Fori Imperiali ci fa sentire un po' come forse quei nostri antenati che, nelle loro fresche toghe e coturni alla moda, andavano a godersi una buona commedia di Plauto al tramonto di una sera d'estate.
City Roma.

TeleSalute - (Italian regional TV) - Interview in Italian with Eric from the Miracle Players:  [56k]

VI CONSIGLIAMO: Presso i Fori Romani "Cleopatra"...
Corriere della Sera

Torna il teatro comico dei Miracle Players.. briosi e ironici come sempre...
Il Globo

En esta obra teatral se siguen la vida, amores, pensamientos y ambiciones de la legendaria Reina de Egipto que encandiló a figuras míticas como Julio Cesar o Marco Antonio. Es una obra basada totalmente en textos clásicos de Plutarco, Suetonio, Shakespeare o George Bernard Shaw. Las diferencias con una obra convencional son varias: en primer lugar, la obra se representa en clave de humor. En este sentido, la compañía que lo representa, los Miracle Players, han obtenido buenas reseñas de la prensa especializada por su estilo desenfadado y a la vez culto.  Pero además la obra se representa en el incomparable marco del foro romano, algo que sin duda ayuda al espectador a introducirse en esta obra, pese a su irreverencia. Además, la obra se representa en inglés, con lo que la afluencia de turistas y el buen ambiente están garantizados.
Guia del ocio España



[Cleopatra] is expertly put together and you perform it so well. We were talking about favourite bits all the way home, from the 'Roman Holiday' pastiche to the satirical take on war reporting to the necessarily 'wooden' performance of Lepidus.
Peter D.

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the well done and exceedingly clever script. The performance certainly must have met your obviously high expectations. We wish you well and hope to enjoy your performances the next time we visit.
Bruce D.

Very nice, I really enjoyed it, however it was way too short!!!!!!! I recommended it to my students, who knows......
Mary L.

A gloriously joyous piece of theatre, and I'm very glad I saw Cleopatra on a warm, sunlit, cloudless evening with the Forum as a backdrop. I'm very sorry I missed last year's production, "The Emperors of Rome".
Paul B.

I thoroughly enjoyed your play, and have every intention of taking my sister and husband to see it when they visit Rome next month. I thought you were all wonderful - wish I'd discovered you before.
Frances C.

I thought you did a great job with your Cleopatra play.
James M.

What a super team you are!  We finally managed to get to see you on Tuesday last week in Rome!  great fun, very interesting in a magical place!  we enjoyed it a lot!
thanks again,
Flo L.

I find your performances absolutely fabulous! The creativity in writing the screenplay and the idea of using the Forum as your stage/scenery is more than "geniale" as they say in Italian (not to talk about the idea of the roll up columns). However, I have to admit that even when I was really into drama/theatre during high school, I never thought that I would feel so "taken" by a show! Keep it up, you're doing A GREAT JOB
Jihane S.

As a Latin teacher, I thought your play was fantastic. I only wish I could bring my students to see it - a great way to get a 'potted history' of Cleo, Jules and Mark with much humour thrown in. Congratulations to Denise for the brilliant script. And I loved your subtle message about more recent hostilities in that region of the world. I saw your show last year and hope to be back next year to see more. Keep it up.
Liz S.

I found your performance very amusing; entertaining and yet very informative! I really liked the rollable pillars. Keep the good work up !
Hans B.

Really enjoyed the show!  Thanks,
Mark N.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to say how much I enjoyed "Cleopatra". First and foremost it is very, very, very funny. Secondly, it is exhilarating in that it brings ancient history to life. Thirdly, technically everything about it is just right: the text, the involvement of
the public, the length, the setting... I'll never miss another show.
Barbara and Edna G.

We very much enjoyed your performance of Cleopatra. I hope we can see other future plays. Theater shouldn't take itself too seriously, an attitude you all seem to impart with great confidence, enthusiasm, and skill. Thanks again for a wonderful event on a beautiful evening.
Carol K.

We had a group of ten American teenagers with us on July 4 to see your production. They'd been in Rome for almost a week and were at the stage of being hot, cranky, tired of each other, restless and unwilling to listen to any more history. We held our breath about their reactions. Well, contrary to our fears, they were impressed and overwhelmed that anyone could make history that entertaining. All of them, even the most cantankerous, had at least ONE part that they laughed aloud remembering. Some of them loved the entire performance, repeating whole sections (isn't is appalling that they can do this with entertainment, but not with their schoolwork?). Those kids bubbled about your work to our friends.  The groups, meanwhile, were all enchanted. I think I cried when we all died.  You made many fans this month. Thank you for your creativity, energy and endurance. Now I want to come see Julius Caesar!
Chrissie C.

I have been so fortunate as to have been in Roma on visits the past 3 summers and this is the third show I have seen. I would not have come back for every show had I not enjoyed the first so much, the second as well and now Cleopatra. I appreciate your effort and your wonderful spirits and excellent performance and will be looking forward to next year... (I just missed your Dec. performance on my winter visit.) Thank you,
Elaine B.

Wow, what a surprise! It was a wonderful show. I laughed and really enjoyed myself. It was an amazing job. I told the reception at the hotel I was staying at to send everyone. It was worth figuring out what city bus to take. Heck, it worth a taxi fare so you can get a good seat!!!!! Unfortunately we had to return to New Mexico, so the others in my group were not able to see your show. But they WANTED to. Alas, Rome will never be the same. But what other way would Cleopatra want it. Kudos , you were excellent!
Kelly P.

While there is a lot to do in Rome during the summer, there is not a lot that is in English outside of some jazz events, so it was a nice treat to see your card at a tourist information booth and go down to the Forum to see your show. I like the fact that you are situated in a place that is easy to find and is located in such a historic area. I was in Rome attending a General Chapter with other priests of my Order from all over the  world. I attended the show with another delegate, and when we returned, he kept telling everyone about how much he enjoyed Mark and Cleo's moped scene.  We both thought that they were particularly good in their roles. I wish you all the very best, and... BREAK A LEG (or two).
Fr. Dave P.

Thanks for the show - nice to hear the blend of accents especially the wee Scottish lassie!-keep up the good work -but I don't believe Cleopatra was as bad as she is made out to be! How about apologies to the subjects of the show at the end if we/ye have inadvertently (or otherwise) misconstrued their character or intentions [with tongue in cheek of course]. It would fit well into the continuing saga that is Rome and its history of which you are now becoming a part! mere players of course! Best Wishes
Seán O.

Two Australians in Rome on a hot hot evening very much enjoyed the chance to sit in the shade and have some laughs. Loved the scene of Antony taking Cleo on a Roman tour on his Vespa and the battle of Actium re-enacted in cardboard boats. Looking forwards to returning to Rome and seeing your next epic episode.
Kelly and Martin G.

Cleopatra was one of the highlights of our trip to Rome last week. Thanks so much for an entertaining show! We arrived in Rome on Tuesday 8 July and walked down to the Forum in time for the show. A very fun rendition by your fun cast. We have recommended you to our friends who will be in Rome later this year. Thanks again.
Bill and Kathleen M.

Thank you very much for... the excellent performance of "Cleopatra" the other night. I am a Classicist/Roman Archaeologist and teach a course on the reception of ancient Rome in the arts since the Renaissance. I've taught a number of the plays and movies that inspired your play, which I found quite funny and well performed. I admired the grace with which you handled the little incident of the refreshment truck. Great aplomb was shown by all! ... Please keep up the good work!
Prof. Bernard F.

Both my husband, myself and a good friend from Montreal, truly enjoyed your performance. I loved the humor mixed with historical information. Of course we really just enjoyed listening to your english. When in Rome and you can't speak Italian, it some how is comforting to just hear English words. This of course speaks to our limitations! You made our visit very special. One suggestion though, your directions on getting to the Forum were horrible. I can't tell you how many people we had to ask as to where you were performing. The mini map on the postcard was not very accurate and by the time we arrived in Rome, I was getting to be a pretty good map reader. If it was not for one of your cast members standing out by the main road we would of missed the performance all together. We had already been searching for 45 minutes. Again, we truly enjoyed your enthusiasm and love for the performing arts.  Good luck on your future productions.
Wes and Brenda L.

I just wanted to pass on a word of thanks for your production of 'Cleopatra' in front of the Roman Forum. My girlfriend and I were visiting Rome a few weeks back, and I found a mention of your show on a website prior to leaving Canada. You folks are terrific actors and put on a production that was among the highlights of our trip - it was an experience I would recommend to anyone I know who may travel to Rome in the future. You are really talented people and I hope you keep this up for years to come. From your briefing before the show, it seems a concern of yours is to 'get the word out' about your show. While local advertising (Roma c'e, hotels, etc) is a good method, a lot of tourists (like myself) do a lot of research prior to coming. That said, I think you might want to target the sources of info used by tourists prior to coming to Rome. For example, through the many guidebooks I poured over prior to coming to Italy, I am surprised to have not found mention of your terrific performance. I've written Fodor's, Let's Go, Lonely Planet and Rick Steve's guidebook companies to this regard and hope that they will add your show to future revisions of their guides - have you ever approached them about including your show in their publications? Thanks again, and I hope to see you again some day. Sincerely,
Jeff C.

Cleopatra, the Miracle Player’s tribute to the queen of Egypt, takes the best of Plutarch, Shakespeare and Roman Holiday. No shy Audrey Hepburn, this Liz Taylor of a Cleopatra only feigns innocence abroad. This first liberated woman of the Roman empire has about as much use for Gregory Peck as she does for a distaff.  Stephanie L.  (Read entire review...)

We very much enjoyed Cleopatra - talented cast, witty lines, fast moving humor, well worth attending. We'll be in Rome for the next several years so count on us to be in your audience again. Thanks for a fine performance.
Ky T.

Thanks a lot for "Cleopatra" ! It was so great ... 40 minutes of hilarious and great ideas, of pretty good acting.... !!!!! I've seen it twice and would be very pleased to see it a third time !!!
BRAVO again !
Celine G.

Thanks for that, I really enjoyed the show, it had a wonderful mix of humour, and was still very informative from a historical point of view I think it would be go down really well at a children's theatre festival, I particularly like the backdrop. Best of luck with the rest of the summer and future shows. Regards
Phill M.

What I really appreciated was the historical accruracy: It was made quite clear that Cleopatra was not "egyptian" but greek (like all Pharaos since Alexander). Also the complex situation of Cesar having a son as heir (but not Roman born) which is not described accurately in the official Roman history has been presented very well. On the more amusing side, I really enjoyed the citations of famous movies and was glad when I seemed to recognise some of the verses taken from the "classics" like "Julius Cesar". By the way, I also attended the performance in the "Musei Capitolini" in January and enjoyed it very much. Where can I find out when you perform during the "regular"season? Enjoy your summer break.
Daniel B.

Thank you for your very entertaining show. It was just the right mixture of silliness, allusions and history to please even the ancient historians in the audience (the decent ones anyway). Best of broken legs for the future!
Paula J.

Congratulations on another great performance! This year I brought 23 of my Latin students, and they all loved your play! Your  intertwining of history and parody is outstanding! Great fun! Hopefully, I will be back next year! Keep up the good work! Bona Fortuna! (Latin spelling) :)
Janene M.

We really enjoyed the show and just finished looking at the photo's. What a wonderful place for a play! Your story was well written, acted and very funny. It was a high light of our trip to Rome. Thanks,
Linda W.

I've really liked Cleopatra!! I'll try to come again with some friends before it ends. Thank you!!! Ciao
Loriana B.

I enjoyed immensely your Cleopatra yesterday. Please stay small and approachable. Street theatre is very important. Best wishes e alla prossima!
Esther P.

I thank you for a great forty minutes of entertainment that I received on my recent visit to Rome, I do have every reason to be a little biased due to the family connection with your production of "Cleopatra", however if I did not enjoy the play I would be the first to tell you so. I thought that all the Players were excellent and that your props albeit they were simple they were very effective. The fact that you also maintained the historical accuracy but added your humour I found to be very well done indeed. Keep it up and I will definitely return to Rome and will not miss the chance to see The Miracle Players perform at any opportunity I get. Keep it up and my regards to all the PLAYERS.
Jim M.

My compliments for this year's show. I found both the acting and the script quite excellent. The fine line you walked between tragedy and comedy was finely done. My compliments to the writer! and to the actors for giving it their all!
John P.

I was posted to Roma in 1999 and have now seen you every year and it just gets better. You are doing a wonderful job both for the English speakers and at the same time broadening the locals' sense of humour-well done and hope to see you next year.
Frances-Anne H.

In general I think you did well. You have a way of raising our interest in the history of Rome and at the same time poking some good fun at our present world situation. Of course, it is obvious you pick on the USA the most! However, the audience seems to be able to take it! Of course, the more one knows about the news, the more one finds in the play! I notice you attract an audience of various age levels, including some children. As a "nun," not really! as a Christian, I would just remind you that your play does not need any sexual innuendoes to be comical. You manage humor in more intelligent and creative ways. Children and all of us see enough of the other stuff on the billboards, TV, computer and in movies. So I suggest that you keep the slap-stick touchy-sex implications out of your plays (actually it is very little), and do what you do well. You are a very enjoyable group who integrates history, culture and the "times" in most creative ways. Keep it up and we will keep coming! Thanks for a very enjoyable evening! By the way, we Sisters forgot the cookies this time (Sr. Anncarla went back to the States), but one of us will remember the next time!!!! We know you enjoy them.  Gratefully,
Sister Joan Marie R.

Seeing "Cleopatra" was one of the high points of my trip to Rome. Brilliant and funny! I laughed so much I almost cried. You guys should be playing the West End or even Broadway! Great job and keep up the good work.
Sandra J.

Your performance was selected by our Italian hosts as something English speakers might enjoy on a Roman evening. I'm pleased to say that we ALL found your performance thoroughly entertaining and well done. I felt transported to the times of the itinerant Roman theater players or the Shakespean theater in the round. You even tastefully and humorously updated your skit with the "embedded" jounalist during the naval battle between Octavius and Mark Anthony. Hope my small contribution allows you to keep up this marvelous tradition which also bridges the seemingly widening cultural gap. Auguri e buona fortuna!
Lou E.

I found Cleopatra extremely interesting and amusing. The only thing is that it would have been better if the actors had microphones because unfortunately the sound was very poor and I missed some bits. Anyway I really enjoyed the show.
Roberta M.

I enjoyed your show, and appreciated the fact that it was low-key. I liked not having to book tickets ahead and wait in line like so many tourist events. My boys, 13 and 15, thought it was kind of corny, but I think it was a fun way for them to brush up on Roman history. They liked the joke about Saddam Hussein.
Martha H.

 We saw your "Cleopatra" last week. It was our second time with the Miracle Players; in 2000 we saw Julius Caesar. And we were immediately hooked. What a great place to put on a show like that. And what joy you obviously have in performing these plays. Once again you gave us a great night in Rome. And we certainly hope to see you again next year.
Math and Annelies O.

We all loved it, we came with Katharine R. Thanks to you all.
Jane R.

I enjoyed very much "Cleopatra". I wait for another show the next year. Thank you.
Donatella C.

We, namely my children, aged 8 and 10, and I enjoyed the play a lot. Very well devised, good timings, exhilarating reference to today's politics - politics looks always very the same, doesn't it? Good acting and high dose of enthusiasm. I was shocked to see the percentage of attendance from tourists and the low rate of natives... I wish you could bring your plays into Italian schools. Best wishes
Germana M.

Your performances combine the real (popular) spirit of miracle plays with modern humour and reference to current events. Your acting revives the Commedia dell'Arte tradition. Your language is comprehensible to all. Your humour is unique.  You teach, act and entertain. Keep up the good job. You are a unique theatre company in Rome.
Helene P.

I'm just writing you guys to say that over all the amazing things I saw and did on that summer backpacking trip, the thing that most touched me in Rome was that play.  I believe it was due to the good quality and funny play, the breathe-taking place, the wonderful evening, or just de "Miracle" of the situation.... Hope to see you guys again one day! Good luck!
Daniel M.


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