Miracle Players
Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome, Italy

Access code request

Miracle Players
Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome, Italy

To automatically receive the code to access the Miracle Players' adaptation of Julius Caesar, you must register by filling in the form below.

Please note that requesting the access code confirms that you have read and agree to the following:

Professionals and amateurs are informed that the Miracle Players' adaptation of "Julius Caesar" is protected by copyright. All rights, including professional, amateur, motion pictures, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio broadcasting, and television are strictly reserved. In its present form the Miracle Players' adaptation of "Julius Caesar" is dedicated to the reading public only. Copying from this adaptation on whole or in part is strictly forbidden without permission from the Miracle Players. You will also be informed of the Miracle Players' theatrical activities.




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First and last name:

Caesar's Palace
Caesar's Palace

Sito sponsorizzato da:
CP Centro Pilota srl - servizi congressuali ed attrezzature per convegni
Dal 1969 al servizio delle aziende
Servizi Congressuali ed attrezzature  per convegni

Site sponsored by:
CP Centro Pilota srl - Event and conference technical services in Rome and throughout Italy

Event and conference technical services
in Rome and throughout Italy.


updated: 14-05-2007
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