Miracle Players - Theatre in English in Rome
Miracle Players

The Emperors of Rome

a 40 minute comedy by the Miracle Players
theme song: Three Roman Rulers
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Augustus - First Emperor of Rome

Domus Performances Cast Directions Reviews Quiz Text Photos

Augustus - Emperor of Rome

Summer 2006 at the Roman Forum

The Miracle Players invite you on a fun-filled journey into Rome’s glorious past with their show, The Emperors of Rome. Not all of them of course! 

The show focuses on the lives and follies of the Julio-Claudian dynasty: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero. These Emperors all claim some heritage from Julius Caesar and were the first and perhaps the most famous of  all the Emperors.

Using the words of classical writers such as Suetonius, Cassius Dio, Tacitus, et. al  a true tale, stranger than fiction, is brought to life  on a stage worthy of the Emperors themselves -  the Roman Forum.

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The Miracle Players are proud to receive the patronage of:
Comune di Roma  (Rome City Council)
Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali
Dipartimento Cultura, Sport, Toponomastica
Ufficio Spettacolo

Estate Romana 2006
Comune di Roma
Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali
Dipartimento Cultura, Sport, Toponomastica
Ufficio Spettacolo

Estate romana 2002


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updated: 23-05-2007
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